Glow's Art Gallery

Verbal Portrait

In this project we had to choose a person and then draw it with words that had something to with it. I chose John Lennon and drew it with the lyrics of The Beatles' songs. I used about 6 songs to complete the project.
To draw it I took out a picture of him from the internet and then drew the outer lines in another piece of paper with pencil and then with a black pen I started writing the lyrics around the picture.The picture came out very good. I chose this person because I really like The Beatles' songs so I decided to draw with them.

I really enjoyed doing this project it was fun to draw someone else with words and song lyrics. At the beginning I thought it would be really hard but then while I started doing it I realized it was not difficult.The hardest part of the project was drawing the person with pencil. The rest of the project was really easy, putting the words in the picture was really easy and it was the part i thought would be the hardest. Another challenging part of the project was doing the shades with the letters, I didn't know how and where to put the shades but it became easier. It was a really fun project, I enjoyed it a lot.

Pop Art Portrait

In this project we had to choose someone to paint in a canvas with paint. I chose Marylin Monroe for this project so I printed a picture of her in black and white and copied it to the canvas. Then we had to choose one color to paint the picture, I chose blue so I had to use different tones of blue. I had to use minimum 5 tones for which I used black and white to get the different tones. For the background of the canvas I had to use either the complementary color, black, white or gray. I decided to use brown since it can be a dark tone of gray. We had to choose someone that is popular because pop art is called like that because it is characterized for being popular art of what is happening at the moment in society between people.

I really enjoyed a lot doing this project because i love to paint and it was a very different project from the others we have done. It also helped me understand better what pop art is and learn more about the complementary colors. The hardest part of the project was drawing the picture on the canvas because we had to draw it in a bigger scale than what the picture was. The painting part was really easy, I enjoyed that part a lot. It was a really fun project to do and very creative too.

Finish the picture 

In this project what I had to do was cut a picture from a magazine and complete the background and other details. I chose a picture of a cocktail and pasted it in a piece of paper. Then I started to draw a totally different background to what it was in the magazine. I drew like it was a cocktail on the beach. I draw coconut trees with a very big sun on the back and the cocktail was served floating over the ocean. I used markers to color the background of the picture. 

I liked this project a lot. It was really fun to do this project because i found a picture and then turned it into a completely different concept of how the picture was in the magazine.It was a really easy project but in which I used lots of creativity.The project was really simple but I really enjoyed a lot working on it.

About Me Collage

In this project I was able to show many things I like and describe myself. I used different materials to create my collage. First I used pictures of me riding horses which is what I love the most. I also put pictures with my friends and family. I wrote my name in the middle and also drew a horse because it is my favorite animal. I drew an art palette because I really love art. I added some candy wrappers because I really love candy and also a Coca-Cola tag because I love Coca-Cola. I added a turquoise feather because turquoise is my favorite color and I used orange and light green around it because I also like those two colors. I added some stickers of ribbons which represent the sport i do and like the most. I also drew a beach because I really like to go to the beach.

In this project I was able to describe myself not with words but with pictures and other materials. I enjoyed this project a lot because i realized that i can describe myself not only with words. It was an easy project to do and I really enjoyed doing it.